Lethal equipment can clear a room or guard your back.

Grenades have a short fuse and can be 'cooked' before throwing it. Doing so allows you to airburst grenades, turning them into lethal targeted explosives.

The COMBAT AXE is an instantly lethal thrown weapon that can be retrieved after embedding itself in an objective - or another player.

The SEMTEX has explosive power identical to the grenade, but trades the ability to be cooked or rolled for a shorter fuse time and the ability to stick to any target. You can stick SEMTEX to walls, floors, ceilings, objectives, and even other players.

The C4 is a manually triggered explosive that can be attached to any wall, ceiling, or convenient vehicle. You can detonate C4 by shooting it or using the detonator.

The BOUNCING BETTY is a proximity explosive. When triggered, it launches itself into the air and detonates, causing an explosive blast in a 360-degree radius. It's possible to duck or go prone to avoid half or the entire explosion.

CLAYMORES are frontal-cone proximity explosives, detonating at ankle level. Proper placement of CLAYMORES is vital for full effectiveness.